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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trinity - Wadiwa (Lyrics)

The song below was done before most Zimbabweans went to Diaspora, but it sums up the dream that most relationships failed to be despite promises & desire, chance & time rarely meet except for a priviledged few who could stick to their mhiko (vows), but whatever became of your relationship, this song will bring you tears, either of Joy or Pain. I remembered it playing in my head many times, it somehow identified myself as I journeyed into Diaspora, the poetry so vivid, the Shona so deep, thank you Trinity, you kept us strong & believing!!!
Chikamu Chekutanga
Wadiwa wepamwoyo, urikurarama?
Ndirikushuvira musi watichaonana,
ndinorota tichifamba, maoko akabatana,
ndimi dzerudo tichisasana,
tichinotandara, pamushana, pamutamba, patakasangana,
ndiwe uri muhana nemupfungwa dzakadzama,
gadzikisa hama kuda mumwe handichada,
misodzi yekufara pamatama patichaonana,
nekumbundirana, mufananidzo wako ndikautarisa,
ndipo pandinotanga kurangarira tigere paruware,
zuva ronovira, ndichiridza mbira, uchindiimbira,
ndakakuvimbisa ndichakuriritira, ndave kuchamhembe,
asi ndinogadzirisa…
Asi ndorangarira, kufara kwedu,
nguva iye, tirikumukwerera,
asi ndorangarira (mhiko dzedu ndichakapfumbatira, haikona kundityira),
chiso chiye, kunaka sengirozi (mhiko dzedu ndichakapfumbatira, haikona kundityira),
Chikamu Chepiri
Ndinogara ndichifunga, pandaikuperekedza kunochera mvura,
une neshamwari dzako, ini nana Kevie,
hanzvadzi yako yakanditaka nemabwe, ndikamhanya samare,
zvisinei iye arisei? Wairesi yaakarayira ndakatenga, itarisirei,
Ndakawana basa asi kushanda hakusi nyore sezvandaifunga,
ndofumobata jongwe, ndodzoka ranyura, makava ohukura,
ndinenge ndopakura, zvinombindikunda,
asi pandinofunga zvatinoda kuva ndoramba ndakatsunga,
mhiko dzedu ndichakapfumbatira, haikona kundityira,
mhiko dzedu ndichakapfumbatira, haikona kundityira...
Asi ndorangarira, kufara kwedu, nguva iye, tirikumukwerera,
asi ndorangarira (mhiko dzedu ndichakapfumbatira, haikona kundityira),
chiso chiye, kunaka sengirozi (mhiko dzedu ndichakapfumbatira, haikona kundityira),
Chikamu Chetatu
Izwi rako ndinorinzwa nguva dzose, richinditaurira,
 kuti ndiwe zvose, runako rwako rwunoita ndimere zenze,
nyangwe ndirikuno kure, handikanganwe, iwe uchiseka,
ndakakubereka, ndichidzedzereka,
ndichiti unorema, iwe uchiti ndinoshereketa,
nekuti ndinofuridzira nzeve dzako, ndozevezera,
mashoko anonyerekedza, hana yoroverera,
inguva chete mudiwa, ndinozviziva unombovarairwa,
uchipfuura munzvimbo dzataivarairwa....
Chikamu Chechina
Shiri dzichiimba, tigere zvedu, mujinga megomo,
ohh mvura ichinaya, tichidanana pedyo nerwizi, asi,
usakanganwe, mhiko dzedu dzatakatsidzirana,
iwe neni takasikirwana, handikurase, ini ndiri wako
Asi ndorangarira, kufara kwedu, nguva iye, tirikumukwerera,
asi ndorangarira (mhiko dzedu ndichakapfumbatira, haikona kundityira),
chiso chiye, kunaka sengirozi (mhiko dzedu ndichakapfumbatira, haikona kundityira),
Listen to the full track here "Wadiwa"


  1. Replies
    1. I tried to Google them, only found one named Kelvin Tapie via facebook. He still sings but not at the level they were as a group Trinity. They had a good thing going on and their brand of music was appealing to everyone.

    2. Resilient Chekera is now a zim hip hop artist using the name GZE.

  2. Was playing this song and felt the way you described it in your intro and decided to google the lyrics. thank you for the post, the song brings back great memories.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Beautiful..there will never be a time like this.

  5. I love this song man! This is good music....wish urban grooves was still alive!

  6. thumbs up to dilon mafukidze,,, u are my fan

  7. Beautiful song. Who was the lead singer on this song?

    1. I think the one leading the verses (spoken) is Resilience (GZE) then on the chorus I can clearly hear Kelvin Tapi maybe with Andrew Musonza helping out.

  8. I wonder what the other guys are doing these days. I just saw Kevie sing Zvachose with Houz of Gruv on youtube. Thank you for the lyrics!
